I think every human needs a diary. I believe we all deserve to be understood and remebered. There are always different versions and perspectives to each story but when it comes to "Life" there are a billions stories... Here is mine.
It can be very depressing when I think about being homeless. The thoughts that go through a human beings mind when they dont have a roof over there head are far from heavenly. As a teenager I robbed people and solded drugs to get out of the streets. As an adult I am continually suppressing those urges on daily basis because that is not the person I want to be. Lucky for me I still have a "roof" but skating on such thin ice reminds me daily,.. that can change in an instant. I'm not pushing a shopping cart or sleeping behind a dumpster but the reality is im just one mistake away from being there. Any more bad luck on the wrong day and I might as well try to rob a bank because sleeping in a jail cell doesnt sound too bad when it's cold and rainy in these streets.
So while I might not look, act or smell like the true definition of a homeless person... I am homeless. As much as I hate to admit it... I have never had a "Home". Yes I have had instantances that could have been or should have been "Home" but it never was. I lived 85% of my childhood either in the streets alone or being taken care of by someone that not only didnt love me but they weren't even related to me. I would imagine that somewhere some orphan in the world was loved way more than me.Yes I know there are plenty of people with much a harder life but I'm just putting it into perspective so you, my kids and my Bonnie can understand what type of homeless man I really aim.
After I was born not only did my father ignore me but my 16 year old mother was kicked out by her cop father. After being kidnapped at 3 years old, my sister and I went to 20 different elementary schools until I was big enough to defend us from being abused. At that point I was put into a few foster homes before finally being reunited with my mother after 8 years. Less than 3 years later I was back in the streets. I was tired of being the black seed. Tired of not knowing love. Tired of fighting. So I ended up juvenile hall, group homes and emancipation placements. I ran away. I awoled. I lived with gang members, drug dealers, friends, classmates and teammates.
I actually spent Y2K in juvenile hall Thanks to Chris trying to race an S-10 with Xmas lights (story coming) I got my G.E.D. shortly after and was relased at midnight when I turned 18.
I had roomates for my brief stint in college and after that basically always had my own place. But after going to jail in 2002, I went back to my Mom's house for a few months. Now I will go deeper into these stories but for now I am painting a picture of my timeline.... I have always been "home" less. In 2003 when my daughter was born I got my own apartment and asked my baby moma to move in but she refused.
It wasnt until our second child that she finally moved in with me and no matter how much I tried. No matter how much I cried, nothing I could have done would have turned our apartment into a home. It takes family, it takes teamwork and the love that remained missing kept me from knowing what the comfort in having a home really feels like.
12 years of living together in 4 different apartments. We paid other peoples mortgages instead of buying our own "home". Then after trying soooo hard to change her, we made it worse and worse until we eventually separated.
After that first person I rented from was an older hispanic woman with 4 children all my age living in the same home. I only lived there for one month because she flipped out and tried to have an intervention after I put one 12 ounce can of beer in her fridge. Then very next lady I rented from was soooo drunk one night she was fighting with herself. I literally ran down stairs to protect her and she was yelling at herself. I moved out the next day. I even rented a back house last spring and it feel good enough to bring my kids. I mowed the lawned, bought xmas presents and washed cars in addition to paying rent. It lasted a year until this past April but ended up really bad after I found a ladder by bathroom window. Yes I will have to blog about that someday but for now Im just asking myself... And maybe GOD, "Why am I homeless?"
I don't get it. Is it because of my family or the family I tried to create? Is it some Presley curse that I am meant to suffer? Am I really that bad of a person? Am I really failing at life?
I know I'm "Crazy", stubborn and different but I'm right and I'm doing things for the right reasons... I can't help it. I follow my heart and live for the day. So with Xmas right around the corner my homeless ass is already buying Xmas gifts every chance I get. My kids, my friends, my clients and more... I can't help it. Sometimes I wish I could.
So although I don't understand why I'm homeless, I do know it's not going to be matter of price or location. Finding a true home for would mean finding a true family. I think only the love, loyalty and team work that goes into a strong family can make a happy home. So until then I will suffer because I must admit... Its safer, cheaper and at times it is better than living with someone that doesnt love you. I don't know how much longer I can take it, sleeping in my truck, cheap motels and friends couchs but I know that if I can't find a "Home" ... I will be preparing to build one.